Yarn Workspaces Organize Your Project’s Codebase Like A Pro
By Kenb Vilgax

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Yarn Workspaces is a feature of the Yarn package manager that allows you to manage multiple packages within a single, centralized codebase. This is particularly useful for monorepo setups, where multiple packages (such as libraries or applications) are maintained in a single repository. Yarn Workspaces simplifies package management, dependencies, and overall project organization.
Setting Up Yarn Workspaces
Initialize Yarn Workspaces
- Create a new project or navigate to an existing one and run yarn init -y to create a package.json file. Add "private": true to the package.json file to signify that the project is not intended for publication.
Configure Yarn Workspaces
- Create a packages directory at the root of your project.
- Move your individual packages (subprojects) into the packages directory.
Update package.json
- In the root package.json, add the following configuration
Benefits of Yarn Workspaces:
Simplified Dependency Management:
- Manage dependencies for all packages in a centralized manner, preventing version conflicts.
Efficient Local Development:
- Changes in one package are immediately reflected in other dependent packages, streamlining local development.
Streamlined CI/CD:
- CI/CD processes are more efficient, as changes in one package can trigger necessary workflows for dependent packages.
Encourages Code Reusability:
- Promotes the creation of reusable components or libraries, easily shared among different parts of the project.
Improved Project Structure:
- Organize your project logically, enhancing maintainability and scalability.